Saturday, March 20, 2010

Letter to Michigan Representatives

Here is my letter to all the congressmen of Michigan concerning the Health Care Bill. May I suggest that you readers write something to your representatives for the sake of our country as well.

Dear Representatives of Michigan,

I thank you for the promise you made when you swore to uphold the constitution. I am writing this letter to you now because I have been learning about the ways that our leaders are not following the constitution and are usurping authority that otherwise belongs to the individual states (or to God, for that matter). If you follow these tendencies, even though you promised to abide by the constitution, I give you my word that, even though I may not have the power to vote for or against you directly, I will do all in my power to see that you are never elected again. It is my opinion that this “Health Care Bill” is in direct conflict with our bill of rights, our constitution, in addition to our rights as Americans to “religious freedom,” and is therefore an illegal piece of legislation. I have specific problems with the sections requiring the purchase of insurance and the federal funding of abortions. I will watch very closely your votes on this bill, and my support for you will grow or fade based on the results. Thank you for your time.


Charlie Sivils