Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blog Theme

Are we not the body of Christ? Why then can we not act as one body? Why do we let philosophical ideas get between us? Think of the things we could accomplish if acted as one.

For example, what if we could agree that as Christians, we could only vote for one certain presidential candidate, and then we all voted for him? There would be no way he could lose. I realize that a reason this is not happening could be lack of communication, but in this day and time, that could easily be fixed.

I hope to post more on this subject eventually, but as of now I will posting "The Sivils' Michigan Propoganda Videos."


Anonymous said...

I found your Blog i can't wait for more.

Your Brother in Christ

a daughter of the king said...

Cool blog! Cool theme!
I can't wait to hear more from you!

P.S. I hope y'all are having a good time in Michigan:)


Charlie said...

Thanks for visiting. We are having a great time here!

cj said...

Glad you guys are having a good time up there.

I agree that we could definitely get a lot more done if the church acted as one.

Melissa said...

The "Michigan Propaganda Videos"??? Propaganda? This had better be good, if you are going to try and sell it. Tell your mom to keep in mind we can't make a living sitting by the pool, sipping ice cold drinks, and working on our tan. We need real life stuff in this video, if your going to convince anyone it's a good idea :)

Charlie said...

Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself. We're working on the Tour of the Lakeview Lodge now, and that will be the first one you see. (It's not done yet)